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Family Caregivers’ Guide to Dementia Care


Seniors are already experiencing the consequences of aging. On top of the list is health decline. As their health deteriorates, they also start to experience health problems. This is why they could greatly benefit from medical staffing in Massachusetts. Through this, healthcare professionals can provide them with well-rounded support.

Serious health concern in the senior population is dementia. Unfortunately, this condition doesn’t only affect cognitive functions. It also takes a toll on physical skills. Most dementia patients struggle with daily routines. This is why they require assistance with daily living activities as much as possible.

Most dementia patients rely on family caregivers for round-the-clock supervision and assistance. There is nothing wrong with this. It is ideal since patients tend to feel comfortable around people they’re familiar with. This is undeniably beneficial for them. However, it’s another story for family caregivers. There’s a possibility that the responsibility could take a toll on them. We’d like to share a few tips to prevent this from happening.

  • Do a quick research about dementia.
    Get a better understanding of the condition.
  • State concise messages.
    Keep it simple when communicating with the patient.
  • Match the patient’s pace.
    Take it one step at a time.
  • Manage time wisely.
    Refrain from procrastinating.
  • Take advantage of home health care or respite care.
    Don’t hesitate to ask for help from the experts.

Always prioritize what’s best for your loved one’s wellness!

Bluefox Healthcare LLC, a nursing staffing agency in Andover, Massachusetts, offers a wide range of healthcare services.
Get in touch with us for more details.

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